imageSusan Warner, an attorney-at-law, has demonstrated that the mind is a powerful healing modality.  In 2000, she healed herself of a 12-year struggle with stage-4 endometriosis that numerous medical doctors pronounced incurable and further claimed had left her infertile.  Because Susan and her husband, a medical doctor, wanted to have a family, they refused to accept this news as fate.  Rather, Susan embarked on a healing journey that primarily consisted of daily visualization meditation.  She used a technique she developed and now teaches to others.  Susan went on to give birth to a healthy baby boy and has never had recurrence of the disease.

Susan continued her healing journey by studying, practicing and teaching various types of meditation, including mindfulness, and various complementary healing modalities, including, Reiki, Karuna, Shamanic teachings and practices, and Holistic Sound Healing.  She is certified in all of these disciplines.  

Susan has worked with individuals seeking stress reduction, help with insomnia and assistance with physical challenges, including cancer, heart disease, back and joint pain and headaches.  She has trained nurses and hospital staff members in meditation and visualization techniques, conducted workshops for a wide variety of audiences and founded her own Multidisciplinary Healing School in 2005.

For a detailed first person account of Susan’s story, please read Susan’s Healing Journey.