These are statements you say to yourself to mindfully help you develop a stronger and more loving, empowering, positive and uplifting mind/body/spirit alignment.


Positive affirmations can help us become more mindful and accepting our self worth and unique differences and challenges.

Positive affirmations can replace negative thoughts with positive ones.

Positive affirmations can turn worry into self-empowerment.

Positive affirmations can turn self-loathing into self-L❤️VE.

Positive affirmations can turn self-doubt into self-confidence.

Positive affirmations can help us release criticism and see the good in ourselves and others.

Positive affirmations can bring about positive change in your physical body and state of mind.


  • Louise Hay, author and founder of new-thought and self-help publisher, Hay House, Inc., healed herself of cancer by using positive affirmations. Her story, along with many positive affirmations she finds helpful, can be found in her books, Heal Your Body and You Can Heal Your Life. She has written numerous other books, including, Meditations to Heal Your Life, which is a collection of positive affirmations and accompanying reflections that can be used during your personal meditation time. These affirmations and reflections can help you focus on more mindful, purposeful, self-empowered and healthy living.
  • Carol Hansen Grey, developer of the five minute-a-day “Lighten Up” process, lost 92 pounds by positively affirming self-love for herself and her overweight body. Her amazing story of transformation is told in an little book entitled, How Do I Love Myself? This book can be purchased on amazon.com for $2.99.


Mindfully examine your thoughts of self-dissatisfaction.

Most of us spend too much time in self-loathing! We often dislike some aspect of our bodies. Do any of the following sound familiar to you?

I’m too thin.
I’m too heavy.
I’m too wrinkled.
I’m too pale.
I’m too short.
I’m too tall.
I’m not pretty enough.
I’m not handsome enough.
My nose is too big.
My nose is too small.
My lips are too thin.
My feet are too long.

Some of us are dissatisfied with our minds. Do any of the following self-criticisms sound familiar?

I’m not smart enough.
I’m not creative enough.
My mind us a sieve. I can’t remember a thing.
I’m not witty enough.
I’m dumb in math.

Some of us are dissatisfied with ourselves in general. Perhaps we’re playing a record over and over in our minds that we’ve heard from family members, friends and acquaintances along the path of our life. Do any of the following sound familiar to you?

I’m weird.
I’m slow.
I’m sloppy.
I’m hyper.
I’m lazy.
I’m a nerd.
I’m a geek.
I’m a klutz.
I’m just a brainiac.

I think you get my drift. All of these thoughts are limiting us and our potential to be all that we can be!  Let’s release them!  Let’s transform them!


How often do you have negative thoughts about yourself?

If any of the above affirmations of self-dissatisfaction resonated with you, try to take a day and see how often that negative or limiting thought pops into your head. For example, if you can relate to the statement, “I’m not pretty enough,” spend one day being conscious of how many times this thought, or some type of close variation to it, pops into your head. I think you may be surprised at the large number of times you are filling your head, and your body, with this negative thought.

Affirm self-love instead!

Now try replacing these negative thought with positive ones. We can start with affirmations of self-love and self-acceptance. (See below.) I suggest writing some of these affirmations on a note card and putting the card in your bathroom. In this way, you’ll see the card at least twice each day–morning and evening–when you go through your beginning and end of the day rituals. Perhaps you can add the recitation of a few affirmations to your ritual. It only takes a few moments, but be sure to say them out-loud so that you and your body will hear them. (You may feel silly at first reciting these affirmations out loud, but you’re worth the silliness!)  It’s alright if you don’t yet believe these affirmations. It will take a while to replace your old, broken records.

Replace negative thoughts with self-affirming ones all day long!

It would be even more beneficial to recite these positive affirmations all day long! Every time a thought involving a negative self-image pops into your mind, try replacing it with a positive affirmation of self-love and acceptance!


I love and accept myself! ❤️💜💙💚💛

I release self-criticism. I am enough! 🌟

I am a beautiful gift to this world! 🎁

I love my beautiful body that has helped me all of these years! 👍👍🏻👍🏼👍🏽👍🏾👍🏿

I appreciate myself! 👏👏🏻👏🏼👏🏽👏🏾👏🏿

I respect myself! 🙇🙇🏻🙇🏽🙇🏾🙇🏿🙇🏼

Try these affirmations every day for a month and see how you feel. Send me an e-mail to visualizehealth@gmail.com and let me know!